Term 1 Program Enroll Now



General Terms

• Aqua Artist reserves the right to cancel or change lessons and instructors or move students if the need arises.
• 鲸鱼岛游泳学校有权取消,更改班级及任课老师,或者调动学生的课程时间。

• Aqua Artist makes every attempt to maintain the consistency of instructors. However, it is not always possible and the best available substitute will be made at the manager's discretion.
• 鲸鱼岛游泳学校会尽可能的努力保持任课老师的一致性,如必须调动更换,我们将会安排最合适的老师来替代课程。

• Timetable is subject to change from one term to the next. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the timetable may also change during the term.
• 我们在每一个新的学期开始都可能会调整课程的时间表。由于一些不可预知的情况,在学期内也可能进行一定的调整。

• Children under 11 must be supervised by an approved adult over 16 at all times while entering the facility.
• 学员年龄11岁或以下的,必须有一个16岁或以上的监护人陪同进入泳池,并且时刻在可以给予帮助的范围内。

• Parents or guardians will need to supervise their children during the lesson and give help when the instructor requires it.
• 父母或监护人需要确保在任何时候都能提供及时的,有效的看护职责。

• Aqua Artist swim school reserves the right to remove any students they believe behaving in a dangerous or disruptive manner in any level class. This is up to the discretion of the instructors, poolside supervisor and management.
• 如果学员的行为对课堂具有危险性,或者破坏性,且任课老师多次沟通无效后,学校有权取消学生的上课资格。

• We may take photos for marketing purposes. Please speak to our reception if you do not give consent for your child to be photographed.
• 我们会不定期的安排拍摄,如果您不希望被拍摄到,请联系我们告知。

• We will not take responsibility for your belongings. Please take care of your belongings at all times.
• 学校将不会负责学员的财物,请妥善保管。


• Week 7- New term booking will be available for the current customer. This week is only for rebooking into the same day and time. Please note, that we may need to change your time due to the student level changing.
• 第7周- 新学期对当前学员开放报名。这周将只能报名与本学期相同的时间与位置。请注意:由于学员的程度变更,我们有可能需要更换学员上课时间。

• Week 8- Time and day change for current customers only where the lesson is suitable for the student.
• 第8周- 对当前学员需要在下学期更换课程时间的报名,进行开放和调整。

• Week 9- We will start to enrol new students for the next term.
• 第9周- 新学期报名开始接受报名,所有空位将会开放。

• If you cannot start from the beginning of the term, and you wish to terminate the term early than the scheduled date range. We can only book you into the class 1 week prior to your actual starting date.
• 如果学员需要在学期开始后再加入班级,那么我们在实际开始上课前一周可以接受报名。

• You will lose your booking priority if you terminate early for more than 2 weeks.
• 如果学员提前两周结束当前学期课程,则不会享受优先报名下学期。

Safety and Injury

• Aqua Artist swim school will not take any responsibility for the students while leaving the class for toilet or other reasons.
• 鲸鱼岛游泳学校不会对学员在课程中途去厕所或者因为任何原因离开泳池产生意外负责。

• Aqua Artist swim school will not take responsibility for any injuries that happened in our facilities or during the lesson.
• 鲸鱼岛游泳学校不会对学员的伤病负责,学员有责任确保自己严格听从任课教练的安排与指示,避免事故和受伤。

• Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that their child/children are physically and medically fit for the lesson.
• 学员本人或者监护人需要确保他们有能力完成游泳课程,如果不确定,请告知任课老师。

• It is the parents/guardians' responsibility to ensure their child/children have been taken care of immediately after their lesson is finished.
• 请家长或监护人在课程结束后立即接手照看孩子,以避免无人监管的情况发生。

Cancellation Policy

• You will need to notify us at least 14 days in advance if you wish to cancel your lesson. The remaining fee will be credited into your swimming school account for 12 months.
• 停课申请需要提前至少14天提出。剩余课程将会转为Credit计入学校系统中,用于接下来在学校报名时抵扣。

• If you have to cancel your lessons due to the illness or any physical reason provided with a doctor’s certificate, the lesson will be cancelled 7 days after we are notified. Your remaining lessons fee will be credited into your swim school account valid for 12 months.
• 如因伤病无法继续课程,需要申请停课,且有医生证明。Credit将会从停课申请后的7天开始计算。

• If Aqua Artist Swim School cancels your swimming lesson due to unpredictable reasons, an extra make-up lesson will be provided.
• 如果Aqua Artist 鲸鱼岛游泳学校因不可抗原因,取消了您已开始的课程,学校会将提供额外的补课。

• Credit is issued for use in Aqua Artist Swim School, this includes future swimming lessons or purchase of any products.
• 课程信用余额将会在学校系统中做记录,您可以在有效期内,在Aqua Artist鲸鱼岛游泳学校消费时抵扣.

• We can take off at most two weeks of lessons’ fee if we are informed of the missing date during one term when we enrol your kids to the class.
• 在一个学期中,如果有不能参加的课程,我们可以最多扣除两周的费用。但是费用的扣除需要在学期开始前,报名时告知我们具体日期。

• We can prorate the price if we are informed that you need to finish the term early than the normally scheduled term when we enrol your kids. If you finish early more than 2 weeks of the scheduled term, you will lose your priority to enrol to the next term
• 在一个学期中,如需要提前2周以上结束当前学期的课程,您需在报名时告知,我们将会扣除相应的费用。提前结课的学员将不会被优先报名至下学期的课程

• Maximum deduction of the class during one term will be 5 classes
• 在一个学期中,如需要提前结课,我们最少接受报名的课程数为5周

• Any refunds will occur with a $20 admin fee
• 任何退款的申请都将会产生手续费$20

Make-ups                                                      补课条款

• We only offer 1 make-up lesson per participant, per term where vacancies exist.

• 我们每个学期只提供一次补课机会。

• To qualify for the make-up lesson, you must call, email or notify us through our customer portal at least 2 hours before your scheduled lesson.

• 要获得补课的资格,你必须在预定课程前至少2小时打电话、发电子邮件或通过我们的客户端通知我们。

• If you missed your scheduled make-up lesson, a replacement cannot be offered.

• 如果你错过了预定的补课时间,我们将不再提供额外补课。

• To book a make-up lesson, you can call, email or apply from our customer portal to schedule your make-up lesson.

• 要预订补课课程,你可以通过电话、发电子邮件或从我们的客户端申请。

• Make-up lessons can only be booked 7 days in advance.

• 补课课程只能提前7天预订。

• Make-up lessons will only be issued during the school terms. Due to the school holiday programme's different class settings, make-up lessons will not be offered.

• 由于假期班课程的设置不同,补课只在学期班的时候会提供,将不计入假期班。

• If you start late or withdraw early from your lesson for any reason, you will not receive a make-up lesson.

• 任何原因迟到上课或需要提前退场,将不会提供额外补课机会。

• Make-up lesson will expire at the current term's end.

• 补课将在本学期结束时失效,不累计进入下个学期。

Holiday Programme

• Aqua Artist will issue an invoice once the class has been confirmed. Please pay before the due date to secure the class slot.


• If we receive a cancellation notice within 7 days before the class commencement date, 20% of the programme fee will be charged. We will transfer the rest 80% into credit.


• If we receive a cancellation notice within 3 days before the class commencement date, 30% of the programme fee will be charged. We will transfer the rest of 70% into credit.

•已报名的课程在开课之前的3天内通知变更或取消将被收取课程费用的30% 剩余的70%将会被转入Credit

• If we receive a cancellation notice after the class commencement date, We will charge 100% of the programme fee unless the student is ill or injured with a doctor's certificate.


• If we receive a cancellation notice after the class commencement date along with the doctor's certificate, We are able to transfer 50% of the rest class's fee into credit.


•These terms and conditions also apply for the confirmed case of Covid-19, and any close contactor.

•We will not issue any make-up class if any absence occurs during the Holiday Programme.


•If the classes have been cancelled due to the pandemic lockdown or by any force majeure, full credit will be issued which is valid for 12 months.


•Aqua Artist Swim School reserves the right of final interpretation.

•Aqua Artist鲸鱼岛游泳学校保留最终解释权





• 成功推荐第二位新人报名,可获得$20的优惠。




•被推荐人需要告知Aqua Artist鲸鱼岛游泳学校推荐人的姓名和手机后4位尾号,来获得$10的新人优惠。








•通过本活动获得的信用积分仅限用于抵扣Aqua Artist鲸鱼岛游泳学校的学费。




•Aqua Artist鲸鱼岛游泳学校拥有本活动条款的最终解释权。